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Low-carbon Green Growth & Green Financing Policy in Korea

  • Cheol Seung Kang
To overcome the global economic downturn as new economy growth of countries including the U.S., of course, Lee Myung-bak government's policies at the center of the new economy grow an eco-green, low carbon green growth is driving strong growth policy. Government agencies in each and every variety of green policies have introduced measures is causing confusion. Saint policy support measures as green finance green financial support for green growth, improve the environment through green financial products and financial product development, due to improved risk management and financial industry is seeking new financing in the form appears. However, green business, technology, financial difficulties because of the application of green businesses. Technical certification system through a finance company to elect the company's infrastructure needs. Green businesses. If there is no technical basis for a traditional bank loans, loans, and the green is not differentiated, selectively applying strict criteria to prevent the possibility of a green bubble, it's important. And green is the most important factors in developing financial professionals to develop signing, will be determined. Export dependence on the global environmental movement has a big impact in the high country, so the financial need of a quick response. In addition, green growth over the initial support for the government market requires creating voluntary green market, but long-term financing must be enabled. The only part of the green funds do not focus on the proven profitable and promising industries in the long term can be supported to excuse the device, and a promising green technology companies with technology commercialization hours early because of the high risk funds through capital markets, supported the channel and the incentive structure should prepare. In this study, the origins of eco-friendly green growth policy and the concept of green finance green financial policies of developed countries and promote the direction of analysis, and a look at South Korea's current status and promotion of green issues and the financial industry is to improve the present.
green growth,green business,green banking,environmental,global warming.