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The addition of retirement research paradigms : Recognized framework of retirement and capital formation by the time

The issues related to quality of life in aging society connote not only the problem regarding increasing number of elder people but also theoretical/social/political issues. The life quality of in the stage of old age is related to omni-directionalelements of social ecology including individuals. The issue related to life quality of elder peopleis not a problem of a particular individual and period but connotes social expensiveness. Therefore such issue needs be taken into account by the elder people themselves, their family, local society and the nation together. This research has contemplated the contents for developing and establishing various mechanisms in individual and social level to improve life quality of elder people which is for expanding the problems related to elder people from individual level to a problem of entire society. As the life quality of elder people can be imbalanced since aging becomes a burden at individual/social/national levels, we have attempted to contemplate the problemsrelated to quality of life in a comprehensive social level. The satisfaction o f elder people on their life is not led by sorting out economic problem only. Therefore, this paper has attempted to identify the functional meaning of the all-around elements related to quality of life in social system and has tried to apply the elements as time asset and theirpractical usability to improvement of life quality of elder people. The elements related to life quality in the stage of old age include the quality of social networks, time asset, correlation-to energy and economic preparation. Further, they have our whole personality as the core value related to our thoughts and activities. Accordingly, the attitude toward life in the stage of old age has been linked to the contents and program as the ¡®obligatory & comprehensive preparation¡¯ rather than ¡®selective preparation¡¯. Moreover, this paper has contemplated the characteristics of managing mechanisms for quality of life in the social system which can be determined by our efforts and interpretation through establishment of life quality in which individualization and uniqueness are harmonized. This is to prove the fact that the life quality in the stage of old age can be guaranteed by the comprehensive results of personal individual efforts. As the government of Korea has not established the inter-relation between the elements related to life quality of elder people, the policies of departments of the government and policy makers are being operated separately. Therefore, the issues related to quality of life needs to be handled through more proactive policy controlling and integration by considering the fact that such issue has characteristics of integrated self-evaluation which combines objective social environment, individual volition, the efforts for revelationof the volition and evaluation on subjective meaning-making for the related processes.
Aging Society,Elder People,Quality of Life,social integration,Time Asset,Obligatory Preparation