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Do the Intensity of Product Market Competition and financing constraint affect Decision of Cash Holdings? : Theory and Empirical Test

  • Pando Sohn
This paper examines whether product market competition affects corporate cash holdings in terms of financial constraint. Based on a dynamic cash model, this model predicts that intensity of product market competition affect positively the level of cash holdings, and also firms with higher financial constraint and higher intensity of product market competition tend to increase the cash holdings. Based on this prediction from model, we confirm that the results predicted from model support the evidence from real data using sample of non-financial firms listed in KSE over 1981 to 2013. To find more storing results, I use several various proxies for product market competition like number of competitive firm in a same industry, Herfindahl- Hirschman Index (HHI), and excess of price-cost margin (EPCM), and financial constraint like SA Index and WW Index, and then confirm the predicted result from the model. Also I implement various estimation methods, which are OLS, fixed effect model, and Fama-MacBeth regression technique to find the evidence predicted in the model. I find in empirical test as follows: First, I show that intensity of product market competition by using number of firms, HHI, and EPCM affect negatively the cash holdings. This evidence is inconsistent with predicted result from the model. This evidence implies that Korean non-financial firms tend to decrease the cash holdings as the product market competition increases. Thus there is a unique characteristic of Korean non-financial firms in terms of the product market competition and the cash holdings. Second, I find that the intensity of product market competition increases with the intensity of financial constraints, which is consistent with the predicted result from the model. Third, I also find that the effect of intensity of market competition on cash holdings increases with the intensity of financing constraints, which is consistent with the predicted result from the model. In addition, I develop two new measures for intensity of product market competition and use these measures to confirm whether the above results are more robust. Based on two measures developed in this paper, we also find the same results, even though I use several competition measures and estimation methods. I conclude that the empirical evidences found in this paper are robust regardless of several competition measures and estimation methods. The findings suggest that the intensity of product market competition and financial constraint play a key role in decision making of cash holdings policy of firms.
Market competition,HHI,LI,Cash Holdings,Financial Constraint