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Irrelevancy of Shortfall Risk Measure and Target Return Setting in Strategic Asset Allocation of Korean National Pension Fund

  • Sekyung Oh
  • Jung Woo Lee
The purpose of this paper points out the problems of target return setting and shortfall risk measure in strategic asset allocation of Korean national pension fund and suggests the alternative ways to solve the problems. Currently, Korean national pension fund sets its target returns in ad-hoc way by (real GDP+CPI¡¾adjustment), which is not reflecting ALM point of view and cannot explain risk-return trade-off because it is not driven by and totally separated from strategic asset allocation process. Also, Korean national pension fund uses shortfall risk based on CPI as risk measure when applying strategic asset allocation, which has no theoretical foundations at all and makes asset allocation results very unstable. First, the study shows that by linking the expected returns of stocks and bonds to CPI, ¡°illusion effect¡± meaning that shortfall risk dramatically increases although there is no change in risk at all when the forecast of CPI rises can be eliminated. This implies that Korean national pension fund¡¯s recent change of shortfall risk limit to 15% from 10% is done simply to eliminate ¡°illusion effect¡± and not from a risk management perspective. We also show that shortfall risk has a serious problem as a risk measure since it is not suitably reflective of the increase in risk even when the weights of risky assets increase in asset allocation. Second, the study shows not only that target returns can and should be set up in connection with the other variables such as contribution rate in considering various policy mix to achieve financial stabilization of Korean national pension fund from the perspective of ALM but also that it is capable of reflecting the risk-return trade-off as the weights of risky assets increase through linking it to strategic asset allocation. We propose alternative policy combinations of long-term target returns and contribution rates that can achieve target funded ratio of 2 in 2082 suggested by the third meeting of the committee for Korean national pension system development. Also, we show that there is a possibility of excess fund accumulation when we compare the estimated fund size under the above scenarios of long-term returns and contribution rates to 2043 fund size calculated under the assumption of current contribution rate of 9%.
shortfall risk,Target return,Shortfall risk,Strategic Asset Allocation,Risk-return Trade-off,ALM