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Lobbying Activities and Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Daejin Kim Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
  • Tim Mooney Daejin appreciates the 2014 research fund (1.140072.01) of UNIST for nancial support.
  • Hyeongsop Shim Pacific Lutheran University
We examine corporate lobbying activity and mergers & acquisitions. If eective, rm lob- bying expenditures could in uence legislation and facilitate favorable regulatory treatment, which would be positively re ected in market reactions to merger announcements. However, average announcement returns for lobbying rms are lower than for non-lobbying rms. In addition, lobbying rms tend to have powerful CEOs that receive more cash compensation after a merger. CEO turnover is unaected by lobbying activity. These results suggest that corporate lobbying may be indicative of CEO entrenchment rather than a rm's attempt to maximize shareholder wealth.

  • Daejin Kim
  • Tim Mooney
  • Hyeongsop Shim
We examine corporate lobbying activity and mergers & acquisitions. If eective, rm lob- bying expenditures could in uence legislation and facilitate favorable regulatory treatment, which would be positively re ected in market reactions to merger announcements. However, average announcement returns for lobbying rms are lower than for non-lobbying rms. In addition, lobbying rms tend to have powerful CEOs that receive more cash compensation after a merger. CEO turnover is unaected by lobbying activity. These results suggest that corporate lobbying may be indicative of CEO entrenchment rather than a rm's attempt to maximize shareholder wealth.
Lobbying,Mergers and Acquisitions,CEO turnover,CEO compensation,Corporate Governance