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History of Derivatives Contracting on Student Loan

  • Byungsuk Han
  • Kang, Hyoung-Goo
We firstly document the history of derivatives contracting on the loan linked with human capital. Income Contingent Loan, a kind of derivatives contracting on loans has been introduced in the country since 2010. Income Contingent Loan is an income-contingent derivative loan from lender's viewpoint in that payments begin only if a precondition is met. It is a derivatives contracting from borrower's viewpoint as well; whether to exercise the option of getting-a-job depends on repayment strategy. However, existing research only analyzes the current status of foreign cases without considering their history and Korean specific factors on the derivatives contracting for loans . There is no research on its background and historical development. We fill the gap of this literature using interesting international cases. We find that student loan system has been introduced in order to encourage individuals to pay higher fraction of education cost which the government has paid since the 1950s. In the 1980s, student loan system has particularly evolved and become to create derivatives contracting on the loan in order to minimize lender's economic burden and risk exposure. Furthermore, this study examine the future prospect of derivatives contracting on loan. The derivatives contracting on loan will evolve from debt-like toward equity-like investment. This will reduce the burden and exposure of governments while increasing the investment on human capital. This study has many policy implications discussing the development of student loan system, its vision and implementation.
Derivatives,Equity-like Investment,Loan,Income Contingent Loan