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Stock split, unseasoned equity offering, and firm values

  • Kangjin Ju
  • Doojin Ryu
This study examines the effects of stock split and unseasoned equity offering announcements by analyzing the daily transaction dataset of the firms listed on the KOSPI (Korea Composite Stock Price Index) and KOSDAQ (Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) markets. The sample period of this study covers relatively recent periods, which span from September 15, 2008 to June 14, 2014. Though stock splits (including stock dividend payments) and unseasoned equity offerings share a common economic effect and meaning, their financial effects are somewhat different from each other because stock splits and unseasoned equity offerings utilize different financial resources to implement the financial policies. Motivated by this difference, we examine whether the stock split and unseasoned equity offering announcements have different outcomes and effects in a real-world financial market. Previous studies on the effects of the stock splits and/or the unseasoned equity offerings announcements examines each of the financial policies separately, but not both, and ignores the relationship and difference between these two financial policies. Except the case of the Japanese market, the unseasoned equity offerings are the Korea¡¯s unique way of issuing new equities without any remaining paid-in capital. While firms in developed countries depend on stock splits, firms in Korea can choose one or both of the two financial policies which are stock splits and unseasoned equity offerings. Therefore, by analyzing the Korean market dataset, we compare the outcomes of the two financial policies. However, there has been little research which rigorously compares the different effects of these financial policies. Though previous studies simply show the cumulative abnormal returns of firm to implement both financial policies, surprisingly, the lack of study raises a question of the possibility of different outcomes caused by the two financial policies. Our study tries to fill this gap. Focusing on the different processes to carry out process of the two financial policies, we examine whether the stock splits and unseasoned equity offerings result in different financial outcomes though their economic meaning is similar. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of stock split and unseasoned equity offering and the impacts they have on market. The empirical results are as follows. First, the result of the multiple logistic regression analysis shows that a stock split and an unseasoned equity offering are more likely to be executed when the Tobin¡¯s Q is high. However, stock split is more likely to be selected for firms with higher leverage and beta value. This analysis indicates that firms have preference on the financial policy of increasing the outstanding number of stocks without any remaining paid-in capital. Second, announcement effects of both of a stock split or an unseasoned equity offering are highly significant. And from the comparison of the cumulative abnormal return from stock split and unseasoned equity offering, more positive reactions from the stock market are observed to come from an unseasoned equity offering than from a stock split. Similar characteristics of an unseasoned equity offering and dividends lead to this interpretation. Also, from the analaysis of the cumulative abnormal returns depending on a market which a company that posts a stock split and unseasoned equity offering, the difference of the markets does not affect the cumulative abnormal return. Third, a cross sectional regression analysis is performed to see which financial factors affect the announcement effects when an official notice of stock split or unseasoned equity offering is posted to the public. The number of outstanding stocks and cumulative abnormal return are positively related. In addition, CAR for stock split and unseasoned equity offering are positively related with (i) Tobin's Q, and (ii) ROE in the case of stock splits. In contrast, the CAR is not related to any variable in the case of an unseasoned equity offering except the accrual ratio of outstanding stock number. This analysis can be interpreted that in domestic stock markets, the signaling hypothesis for a stock split can be supported but not for an unseasoned equity offering. The previous studies on a stock split or an unseasoned equity are limited that only one subject of the two is analyzed or even with comparative analysis of both subjects, only cumulative abnormal return is derived However, this study additionally analyzes the announce effect along with the types of the stock exchange markets and shows that companies have different preference according to each financial properties and perform different announce effect. Also, the finding that markets act differently to similar financial actions may help a company establishing their financial decisions and another finding that a company executes different financial plans according to its characteristics gives the investor implications.
Stock split,Unseasoned equity offering,Event study,Comparative analysis,Firm values