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Information content of the KOSPI200 Option Volatility

  • Sang Won Hwang Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
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KOSPI200¿É¼Ç º¯µ¿¼ºÀÇ Á¤º¸È¿À²¼º¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸

  • Sang Won Hwang
The method of estimating Future volatility(FV) is a forecast using information of historical price and option price that reflect market participants' expectations. When we make use of option price, usually apply Black-Scholes formula to forecasting volatility that is implied volatility. Following prior research on forecasting future volatility, implied volatility are highly correlated with realized volatility(RV) than historical volatility(HV) and more effective information. But Black-Scholes implied volatility(BSIV) has been criticized on two reason. First, implied volatility has been raised a question because option price of Black-Scholes formula is different than market price. Second, BSIV include only a part of information out of market price. Since all researcher use only BSIV of at-the-money option, doesn't consider any other information that is in-the-money and out-of-money option. We derive the implied volatility from information of volatility and option price building on the work of Britten-Jones and Neuberger(2000). Volatility formula is made rather a function of option price in the market than any particular model, then it is called model-free implied volatility(MFIV). As MFIV is not based on any special model and available strike price in the market is used to estimate, this is a efficient implied volatility solving two problems. Jiang and Tian(2005) found that MFIV is more efficient forecast for RV than BSIV and HV in the SPX option. In this article, we empirically test the forecasting ability and information content of implied volatilities(MFIV and BSIV) and historical volatility(HV) with KOSPI200 index option. And then we also found that MFIV is more efficient than BSIV and HV on information content.