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Does the ABS structure affect the ABS price?

  • Pilkyu Kim
The purpose of this article is to explain the spread between asset-backed securities (ABS) yield and the government bond yield, and between the ABS yield and the corporate bond yield. Ever since the Asset-backed Securitization Act was enacted in 1998, Korea¡¯s ABS market has grown rapidly to be one of the largest bond market segments. This has been driven in large part by strong investor demand and the variety of product structures available to meet the financing needs of issuers. Unlike plain corporate bonds, ABS adopt diverse structures and this opens the possibility that ABS have price determinants different from those of corporate bonds. I show that excess spread exists not only between the ABS yield and the government bond yield, but also between the ABS yield and the corporate bond yield. To illustrate the effect on ABS spread, this study examined spread determinants in the ABS market by using the ordinary least square regression methodology. Based on the ABS issuance data released by the Financial Supervisory Service and disclosures for asset securitization, we built a securitization structure database, through which we carried out an empirical analysis on the impact of the ABS structure on spread. The empirical analysis reveals that the general bond factors such as credit rating and maturity are statistically significant explanatory variables in the determination of ABS spread. And liquidity factors (e.g., issue size) and structural factors (e.g., credit rating of the originator, credit enhancement level, and the dummy variable of bank credit enhancement) are also found to be statistically significant explanatory variables. The ABS market is composed of four categories according to asset type; ABS, CDO, MBS, and project finance ABS. Through the Chow test, this study also verified if the pricing model of each asset type is structurally different. According to the result, we confirm a significant difference in price determinants across asset types. The result is an indication that establishing a disclosure regime clearly showing ABS structures has an important, positive impact on price efficiency as well as market efficiency.